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Online Privacy, what privacy?

As you read this post today, chances are that you're online, logged in to some website or network.  In recent days, there has been a public outcry over online privacy, or lack, thereof. At the time of writing this, in US, Bradley Manning has been sentenced to 35 years for providing Wikileaks with some classified information and Joseph Snowden, my friend, I call him Joe, is still getting to terms with the lifestyle in Russia after being granted temporary asylum there for almost the same crime. But sorry Joe you've to be watching your back there as you have two enemies. The Kremlin that granted you asylum so that it gets hold of the precious classified information that you have from NSA will poison you after your box of secrets about your former contractor is empty. The 2nd one is the CIA. Your dad was granted a visa to visit you in Russia. Your dad, as a father of a smart boy like you, should know better. He and his passport are likely to be tagged with secret devices to track y

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